Frequently asked Questions

Eligibility & Application Process

  • Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

  • How does the Sawyer Foundation prioritize projects for funding?

  • How do I apply for a grant?

  • What is the deadline for applications?

  • How long does the review process take?

    Applicants can expect to receive a decision or begin a discussion with the Sawyer Foundation team to explore ideas and determine what a potential partnership might look like within two weeks of submission.

  • Can I apply if I have received funding from the Sawyer Foundation before?

    Yes, previous grant recipients may reapply, but they must demonstrate the impact of prior funding and provide updated project details. However, priority will be given to non-profits that have not previously received a grant from the Foundation.

    Organizations that applied for a grant in the past but did not receive funding are still eligible to apply again.

Funding & Use of Funds

  • What is the grant size?

  • What can grant funds be used for?

  • Do I need to provide a funding match?

  • Can funds be used for salaries or administrative costs?

Project Implementation & Reporting